9. Divinity in Definity

    Since the inception of our woke minds, we hurdle across many questions that define our reality. We find ourselves analyzing the rudiments of our past while constructing our present. It is sometimes maddening. I embrace the belief of the Dark Sun and bask in its bright shadow; because in this belief, the spectrum of reality lies in black and white. You can be more precise in what you see, comprehend and how you act. I have come across countless people, wanting more from life and I, personally believe that we are way more capable than we let on. Isn't that world a better place? 

    Our anarchical roots are not something to be afraid of, or something that we should discard altogether. Those emotions and resentments are a beautiful part of our lives that we should always embrace. The ideal philosophy of life does not exist in the realm of the Dark Sun. You are sane. You are not prejudiced. You are real. There is no right way of doing things. There is only a more efficient way to bringing about the conclusion. In all this chaos, the only way to subdue the worst of anarchy is by being decisive. 

    When we try to adapt to the new phase of life, there is always a subconscious fear of change residing deep within our beliefs. To overcome that fear is to overcome the very nature of our beliefs. But does that make our beliefs malleable? Our beliefs were always situational. Whenever our situations changed, our beliefs we re-molded. Then how do we realize the direction that we are heading to? How do we comprehend our journey? The answer to this question was right in front of us since the inception of our beliefs. I always considered decisions as a separate entity altogether, never realizing its worth. Its like a tree at the end of the street that you pass by every single day, without ever noticing that however much you move or linger - that tree was always rigid and definitive to stay put. That is your reference. That is your answer. Decisions. 

    An arrow flying through is worthless unless it is headed to a target. Moving ahead into your life under this dark sun, remember to always follow the Divinity of Definity. Because the dark sunshine is very kind - you can make your decision more easily as your vision is monochromatic towards the  problems, situations, people and life. 

Such is the way of living life in Anarchy 
Such is the Divinity of Definity. 


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